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Essential IT Applications for Small-Business Owners


Essential IT Applications for Small-Business Owners

There are many resources that lend themselves to the success of a small business. There are the people who do the things, computers and networking infrastructure, creative marketing initiatives, and a strong sales team. However, all of these resources rely on certain tools to get their jobs done. Those tools are the IT applications that they use day in and day out. While certain industries may rely on specific solutions, there are some that every small-business IT department needs to have in place in order to stay competitive these days.

Backup and recovery systems

First and foremost, small-business IT leaders need to establish a solid backup and recovery strategy. Just like larger enterprises, if systems go down or data is lost, the costs associated with too much downtime could be so disastrous that the business can’t come back. Whether it is a natural disaster, human error, or even a malicious attack like ransomware, there needs to be backup and recovery software that can ensure business continuity across the board. When evaluating this type of software, don’t only look at cost, but look for the ability to grow and the ability to test both the backup and recovery process to ensure everything will work when you need to call on it.

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Security software

It is said that 60 percent of all small businesses go out of business within six months of a cyber attack. Because they are viewed as low-hanging fruit by many attackers, small businesses have become increasingly attractive to many attackers. Tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, and identity management solutions are a must in any business, no matter their size. It is easy to look for large, enterprise solutions, because they have name recognition; however, you are going to want to look for vendors that provide software that your small-business IT team is able to manage. Even these solutions can be rather complex, so choose a vendor wisely.

VoIP communication tools

For small businesses to be successful, their IT teams need to focus on projects that will help meet their objectives. Communication software, like VoIP can help, because they are easier to install and maintain. The time saved using this type of software can free teams up to work on other projects while still providing a robust solution that is easy for the end user and allows for the integration of mobile devices. Not only that, but by using computer-based softphones, you don’t need to spend time, money, and effort wiring a building, because everything can be run directly from a desktop or smartphone. An added bonus would be a software application that allows for virtual meetings and collaboration. Look for features when choosing the right application.

Cloud storage

Successful small businesses grow at a rapid pace. The last thing you want to do is to exceed your data storage capabilities and cause slowdowns or even system crashes. WIth the right cloud storage solution, you can scale your needs as your company, and customer base, grows. Again, security comes into play here, so choose a vendor that will help ensure the protection of your data. Just because someone else is hosting it doesn’t mean that you are not responsible for securing it.


Businesses don’t succeed if people are working in silos. You need teammates to be able to collaborate on projects in real time. Email doesn’t cut it when it comes to collaboration. You need an application that allows people to share documents and files and see what changes other people are making to them. Collaboration doesn’t end at document storage. An application that will help you succeed is one that will include versioning control, messaging, the ability to document changes, and the ability to roll back to previous stages in a file’s history.

Just because certain applications are designed for small business doesn’t mean that they are ready to use out of the box. Many of these solutions require proper implementation, configuration, and management in order to be secure and to maximize their value for your company. Not all small-business IT shops have the right staff to handle these tasks the right way. You can either have them trained, which costs a great deal of money, or you can reach out to a partner that has the right skills with the added bonus of experience with these tools. The latter route is a common way to get applications up and running in your small business without the headaches that can go along with a botched implementation.

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