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MDM (Mobile Device Management)


Mobile device management seems ideal for any business but necessary steps that need to be taken before implementing a MDM system. Mobile Device Management or MDM is the implemented policy allowing users to access various pieces of information from a mobile device that in most instances would normally be stored on desk top or in a remote server. This could range from that users e-mail, data sheets, or other applications that the company is using on a regular basis. Currently, the most commonly used devices that are used to access this information are tablets, laptops, smart phones, mobile printers, and mobile POS devices.

With mobile devices becoming more common every day, it is estimated that most people are currently 2:1 meaning they have at least two mobile devices for one person, it is inevitable that MDM is becoming a growing importance. Knowing who has access, what they are accessing, and where they are accessing this information from are just a few of the primary concerns of Mobile Device Management. Rutter can help you implement the best MDM tools to make sure that you are getting the best solution for your company. Most MDM tools typically include over-the-air distribution for applications and data configuration settings for these devices. With the solutions that Rutter can provide it will give allow a company to have a simplified configuration for these devices, the proper over-sight to see ‘who is using what’, and also enhanced privacy and protection!

Please stay tuned for more information on the 'Rutter Chat'  twitter discussion on Mobile Devices! If you would like more information on how Rutter can help you develop your Mobile Device Management please contact rntmarketing@rutter-net.com
